Friday, 26 February 2010

Things are really going the right way :) :)

Good Afternoon everyone,

Well what a start of a day, i was still curled up in my bed when i had a phone call asking where to send a donoation. Thats what i call such a great start, the day so far has followed in the same jolly and incredible way. Big things are being organised, its very exciting. I dont think i have ever been organised quite so much its very funny. hehe.

Its such an amazing treat, I so cant wait to leave and be starting, i know that i am not actually doing the walking, but i am still part of it so excited.

excited.....i think this will be the most used word this week and most proberly not week too. LOL

Enjoy your day whatever you are up too.


Thursday, 25 February 2010


This is a good day, a man rang and is sending a danation, no idea who it was, but that kind of makes it a ittle bit more fab!

Then, we got even better news, the car that we intially hoped to use is back, its home its wonderful im sooooooo happy :) :)

Ok will carry on my day.

Thankyou to all that have helped today


what a wonderful day :)

Good morning once more,
Well waking up to a beautiful day like this is quite a delight. Today on the agenda is cars, towbars and cars.
I was sitting out the front of the house this fine morning reading the paper and watching the world go by. After a short conversation with a lady in the village, a well know phrase was mutted: 'the sun shines on the righteous', this got me thinking what does this mean, i say these things but am sloghty un sure that there true meanings are and this is one of them. blaffling i would say lol.
My mind is on over drive at the moment, dreaming so much, day dreaming way to much! lol, its a good thing i think i think it might be a sigh of good things, or that i would prefer to be in an alternitive world, which ever it moght be i am happy.

On a slightly less strange note and even on a almost sad note, i think that bully tactics int he village are a very sad state of the times, more so when people that haven't been in a school play ground for well over 40 years!! I do think that its a very upsetting time, and belittles the authoritie of adults. If you lower to school yeard tactics than you are no better than i 7 year old. I love children, but when the 'tactics' of school yard behaviour that has been happening for centuries, as adopted and instigiated by way over middle age 'adults' its a worrying time for the children that look up to these people, how can we blame our children for acting the way they do. all i can say is act your age, if not for the sake of those that are being bullied but for the children that are witnessing the acts.

Ok rant over, next ont he agenda is to brush my little mac, he is shedding hair BIG style lol. So out comes the brushes and the hoover maybe haha.

I hope that you all have a very good day.

Charlie xxxx

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Two million steps

Good Morning World,

Well what a day already, i have had my licence through so i am officail YAY, and we are in the Daily Post, talking about the incredible things that my mum is doing. We leave in just 6 DAYS lol, omg its very scarey but so very exciting. To be honest i am quite looking forward to the break, things have been a bit, well strained in the village just recently, so i think this is going to be just amazing.
Not sure what im going to do while they are walking, search out and find craft shops and galleries, look out for the surfers braving the icey conditions, and taking a load of pictures hehe.

If you know of anywhere from minehead to poole harbolur that you think i should visit let me know please.

Take care and have a great day.
p.s. i dont think i mentioned that i am part of the two million steps, well im the support driver, have a look at the website and maybe we will see you down there.


Monday, 22 February 2010

just me again....

well still up at this silly hour of the night lol, printing pictures and building websites,,,quite good fun actually. These things need to be done and today is when we shall be doing them. :) I do enjoy computing, it stimulates the brain, well if theres a brain to stimulate lol. Any how next photo to get ready so Night Night all.

Charlie xxx

me me and me lol

Hello world and welcome to my blog.

Not surei have a lot to say of much interest to you all, but i shall carry on any how lol.

I shall write daily if possible, add photos and drawings and random things that i get up to int he next.......... how ever long.

Enjoy my randomness lol

Charlie xxxx